
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Alota Bug Hugs & Pez-A-Doodle Skittle bugs

This card was designed for todays Inspiration Challenge over at SCS. I received my inspiration from here
You will see the pictures that are at the bottom of this post. On my card I used these darling bugs they are called "Bugs Hugging" and can be found here at Alota Rubber Stamps
Next I wanted to show you the Skittle bugs from Pez-A-Doodle Designs these are super fun and sooo cute. The skittle drops are printed like a bee so you just add them to the stamped image, tooo cute huh?????!!!
Here is a close up of some of the skittles that are printed and the stamp set I used from Pez-A-Doodle. Ive never seen anything like these before, and Marti at Pez-A-Doodle has other designs toooo!!! You can find them HERE!!
Dont forget to join us in a super fun challenge for Alota Rubber stamps that is going on right here at Paper Craft Planet, there is a chance you could win some free rubber stamps, for more info on this visit us HERE

Thank you for looking and have a wonderful day!!
All links are above to take you to stamps,challenges, and so on!!


  1. Oh my word, those hugging bees are the CUTEST!!! So sweet!

  2. Wow Cheryl, you did get busy!!lol! Great card! Those bees are too cute! Blessings to you!

  3. Too cute- What a fun card. The bees are really nice. TFS

  4. This card is adorable! I just love those hugging bees! And the little bees are the perfect touch!

  5. This is just precious. I can always tell your cards when I see them. Good job.

  6. Hey more of those sweet little buggers! I see you figured out how to add the feature at the bottom!

  7. What an adorable image!!! Those bees are great! You did a wonderful job on this- as usual! :)

  8. This is absolutely adorable!!! Love the little bees hugging. And, of course, your embellishments are awesome!
