
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Alota card for 5 challenges/Award!

This card was designed for 5 challenges:
1st-Sketch Saturday

2nd- Inspiration Challenge on SCS

3rd-Crafty Creations challenge/use stitching

4th Pile it on challenge/to use flowers

5th Creative Belli challenge/to use butterflies or dragonflies

The stamps I used are from Alota Rubber stamps and they are New Releases for the month of Feb!

Supplies used:
Stamps (Alota)
Dp & Cardstock(scraps)
Punches(Martha stewart)

Next a WONDERFUL friend of mine "Sue" gave me this Kreativ Blogger Award! Thank you soooo very much Sue, and I love it!!! Also loved hearing about you!! :)So the rules to this are as follows:

The rules are-1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.3. Link the person’s blog who nominated you for this award.4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.5. Nominate 7 Kreative Bloggers.6. Post a link to the 7 you nominated.7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs to let them know they have been nominated.

7 things about me that you might find interesting :) LOL now im laughing, because i always have a hard time with this!!!

1. I to have had the same Hairstyle since I was in highschool!!!!! :)

2. I had lost 98 pounds and just this last year have put most of it back on due to stress!!

3. I love singing to my cats, and my family thinks im crazy!!!LOL well they dont, but they get mad at me

4. I was bitten by a brown recluse on my nose, and now have a scar.

5. Im addicted to ribbon,buttons,and gems(I have soooooo many) but never

6. I normally spend many hours down in my craft room(from 6am til afternoon) and then come back at night!! :)

7. Im unemployed and try'n to find work again! :( No Fun!!!!

Now im to pick 7 ladies to give this wonderful Kreativ Blogger Award to them:

1st-Cindy , 2nd- Sandra, 3rd-Chris, 4th-Crystal, 5th-Justine,6th-Anne, 7th-Cathleen
I Love all their work, and there are sooo many others that I would have loved to add, but only could pick 7 :( anyways you have to see their work, its AWESOME!!!!! Lots of Inspiration from these ladies!!

Thank you for looking and Thank you again Sue for the award!!! Hugs to all, Cheryl


  1. Awww this is just sooo cute, wonderful details and that image with the two wee bunnies - Adorable!

  2. FABULOUS Cheryl I love our work so much. Thanks for thinking of me GF!!!! You are the SWEETEST!!

  3. SO sweet! I just love this image and your style is just amazing! Thanks for joining us at Crafty Creations this week!

  4. This is soooooo sweet!! LOVE the flowers and the bling!! Darling image Cheryl!!! AWWWWWW

  5. This is a sweet card...lovely pastels.

  6. Wow this is really beautiful! Such an adorable card
    love tasha xx

  7. Oh such a darling card Cheryl!! :) Love the cut out image and your pretty coloring!!

  8. What a sweet card...
    Just love it...

    *Hugs* C.

  9. Beautiful card, Cheryl!
    I love the papers and this image and details are wonderful.


  10. Cheryl:
    WHat a sweet card! Love the image, coloring and paper choice... fabulous :)

  11. Very cute card - such sweet flowers. Congrats on your award and good luck with your job hunting. I hope you find something where you can use your fabulous creative skills!

  12. What an adorable image Cheryl...I just love all of the embellies you added...Too stinkin cute!!

  13. Lovely card, that image is so cute!!

    Siobhan xxx

  14. Cheryl - your card is so sweet - love the bunny image you chose! Thanks for joining us in the Belli Challenge!

  15. Hiya Cheryl, sooo cute hun thanks for joining us at Sketch Saturday with you're beautifull card. Hugs Terry

  16. YOu are so sweet Cheryl!! Loved reading about you. I so have problems telling fun things. To me it is boring. Thanks so much for thinking about me.

    Your card is so cute!! Love the image!!!


  17. Super sweet layout packed full of details! Thanks for joining us at the Belli Challenge!

  18. What a darling image and your coloring is lovely!!!!! I love the tiny blingy butterfly, too!!! Thanks for playing in the Belli challenge!!!!
