
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Think INK Challenge! / 2 post for today "TGF" Below!

Happy Thursday to everyone! My card today was designed for the THINK INK Challenge #17 use any Book or CD cover for an Inspiration for your card or project!

So for my Inspiration, I used the Cover of the Twilight book!!! :) And the stamps I chose to use are the Newly Released Epic Tales set!!! Im loving this set, and have had alot of fun designing with it!!

Here is the book cover I used as my Inspiration :) So I was inspired by the hands and apple!!!

The dp I used is from 7 gypsies, and I added some sewing to match the 1 dp. Next I cut out the border with the martha stewart punch. My frames are spellbinders, and I airbrushed the stamped one. Then added some flowers,pearls,and branches! To complete my card I added a bow :)

Thank you sooo much for looking and enjoy your day!!!

Also hope you will join us in some fun with Challenge #17 you can find all info and how to WIN HERE




  1. You are so goooood with this set! Amazing and beautiful!

  2. This is wonderful... and look at the YUMMY bow! LOVE this... you did great Hon!!!

  3. This is just gorgeous! Great job with the challenge.

  4. Ohhh how fun is this, I love it Cheryl.

  5. Hey doll. :) This is so awesome. I need to play with my sewing machine more. I love your stitches.

  6. This is a perfect interpretation of the book cover! Beautiful card!

  7. This is gorgeous!!. Have a great weekend.

  8. This is sooo fun! Of course I LOOOVE Twilight...okay maybe Edward even more, but this card is fabulous!

  9. Wow this is beautiful and so creative, such a fabulous design
    love tasha xx
