
Friday, April 30, 2010

FFF/ and some SAD news!!!

Hello everyone, today I have some super sad news to share! Todays Farm Fresh Friday card is my Last card to make for The Greeting Farm as a DT member for The Greeting Farm! 
( I will still be designing for other companies, just so there is no confusion on this post)

These BEAUTIFUL Flowers were sent to me by Marie the owner and dear friend from The Greeting Farm!!! Thank you sooooo MUCH Marie!!!! I LOVE Them!

I had to take 2 pictures of them!!! :) they are BEAUTIFUL and really made my day when the UPS guy brought this big box full of fresh flowers!!! :)

I have soooo ENJOYED my time on TGF and Im sooo Thankful to Marie for finding me on SCS and asking me to be a part of her wonderful DT! Thank you Marie!!! I will miss all TGF DT sisters that ive come to know, and have loved working with!!! Jessica I want to say thank you for being an AWESOME DT coordinator! This post is super hard for me to write up, and its gonna be a short one!!! I know you are asking why am I leaving, well I signed a 1 year contract last year and my time is up! I would have LOVED to stay on, but I guess needed to move on :)

 I know that when 1 door closes another will open, and it already has!!! :) Ive always believed in that, but its still hard to say Goodbye! I know I will still have my wonderful friendships that ive made along the way :) and thank God for that!!!!  I will continue to do some of The Greeting Farm challenges, so I wont be a stranger :) hehehhehe

I will have some exciting news to share with everyone on May 1st, thats tonight at Midnight!!!! :)

Ok maybe now I should talk about my card :)
Here is my inspiration that I usd!!!

Supplies used on my card:
My image is from TGF and is Eric!(The Greeting Farm)
Dp is from Crafty Secrets found HERE ABC Toys and Crafts
Martha stewart deep edge punch found HEREat ABCtoys and Crafts
Cardstock is from PaperTrey Ink!
I added some sewing, ribbon,flowers,and branches to complete my card

Thank you for looking and have a lovely day!


  1. Wow, it may be your last DT card, but it is stunning!

  2. OH. :( I'm going to miss seeing your wonderful Greeting Farm creations. This card is so fun that you have posted!

  3. What a gorgeous bedroom for inspiration and I love the card you created with those colors. Beautiful work, WOW! I'm sorry you are so sad to be leaving TGF, I've loved seeing all your creations and I look forward to hearing you good news!! hugs, Angela

  4. Wow! What a gorgeous card! I love your coloring and stitching! I will miss seeing your creations on the TGF blog, but will still be lurking quietly on your blog ;)

    Good luck with your new adventure! Can't wait to hear what it is!

    TGIF! and hugs, margie

  5. AWWW Gorgeous card Cheryl...awww I know they are gonna miss you, I LOVE your posts for TGF!!!! Hugs!

  6. So sad to see you leave the TGF dt but so happy that I still get to work with you on another. Your work is so inspirational and down right beautiful, I am always uplifted when I visit your blog. You certainly went out with a bang with this card too, it fits the challenge so perfectly and is just gorgeous!

  7. Ohh Cheryl I miss you already. I can't wait to here your news, love your card!!

  8. Oh, Sweet are so dear to me! Your post made me sniffle sniffle. I will miss being on the team with you, but you can be sure that I will still be visiting and drawing inspiration from your creations, very often!!
    AND might I say, way-to-go out with a bang, this Eric card totally ROCKS!!!
    I hope those gorgeous flowers bring you lots of sunshine, just like you've brought all of us! HUGS
