
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Snow,Snow & More Snow..hehehehe

Hello everyone and Happy Tuesday to all! Today im posting pictures of our SNOW!!! hehehehehe
this is what we saw this morning early when hubby was leaving for work. Of course he shoveled the walkway, and later I shoveled half of the driveway :)

I think the snow is sooooo PRETTY! Love the look! Dont like the other drivers though....LOL

Here is a picture of the Cadillac Escalade we bought last week! :)

Thank you for looking and I hope you have a nice day!
Hugs to all,


  1. Cheryl this is just sooo gorgeous! I love the look of fresh fallen snow too, your area is just beautiful. I wish there was a way that it could go from that to all melted, without the messiness in between. ;)

  2. I think snow is soo pretty too.. have never lived anywhere that gets snow (so am very unqualified) but I love it! ♥

  3. The snow is very pretty. We have had snow here in Ohio now for several weeks, pretty unusual for this time of year....looks like we are expecting more snow for Christmas Eve. Nice to have a white Christmas for a change.
    OH and NICCCCE Ride too....Merry Christmas!

  4. The snow is beautiful. I have big pine trees out front and they are all covered in snow, with the lights on it is just beautiful and I love to snap pictures of it. I am like you- those other drivers are crazy- be careful!
