
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Shaelynn's 1st Birthday Pics

Hello everyone today I wanted to share some pictures from my Niece Shaelynn's 1st Birthday Party that we attended last night! 

We had sooo much fun and so did DARLING Shaelynn! She LOVED her presents, and LOVED her SMASH CAKE(princess cake just for her) there are pictures below showing just how much she loved that cake...hehehehehe tooo cute!!!
All ribbon used on the packages is Really Reasonable Ribbon found here!

Below is a picture of her holding her elmo ipod that came with a book Uncle Jerry & I bought her. She is also pointing at me(auntie) hehehehe tooooo CUTE!!

Here is Shaelynn all ready to OPEN the Presents :)

Mommy handing her the ipod

 Shaelynn with Daddy blowing out the candle!

YUMMY!!! :) What a CUTIE!! she is auntie's princess!!

Heheheheh LOVE this picture below!!! LOVE YOU SHAE!!!!

Thank you for looking and have a lovely day!