
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Halloween Test Tube set

Plus Victorine Originals 50% off until Wed!
Hello eveyone todya im sharing a Halloween  Test Tube Set with sprinkles inside designed for Really Reasonable Ribbon and Victorine Originals.
 Also have some bad news, i will be having surgery on Tuesday for my ankle, i broke it on each side, and need to have pins put in, since it wants to keep coming out. Anyways just wanted to share this with all my wonderful followers.

I will be slow on posting, im going to have to have my daughter help me, since al my pictures are on my main computer in my craft room, which i wont be seeing for a while, since i have to go down 3 flights of stairs and that is impossible for me due to my so called "Good Leg" isnt so good or stable since ive had 2 surgeries on it years ago. Anyways i have a wonderful family taking care of me, so that things should be fine til tuesday :)
I found this set with the stand at Walmart and thought it was perfect to decorate for Halloween using Really Reasonable Ribbons :)  I'm going to give this set to my nieces so they can decorate a cake and such.  This set came with all the sprinkles inside and I think this will be fun for the girls :)
Ribbons I used:

Cat,spider,bat, and ghost on the bottom are stickers(3-D)

I really enjoyed decorating this set of test tubes for my nieces and hope they enjoy it :)  All the stamps were stamped in memento black ink and then I dusted with Tim Holtz distress inks around the edges of the tags.  I thought the darling Halloween stickers could be used by my nieces on some kinda craft project if they want to use those and the tags and the ribbon.

thank you all for looking and have a lovely day today :)


  1. Oh wow Cheryl!! These are just darling hun!! Love the images and colors!! You should think about adding these over on the Tuesday Throwdown challenge where the theme is Halloween!! :)

    Thanks for sharing!! Smiles

  2. These are gorgeous Cheryl...fab images and colours....Hope all goes well for you Hun!. Take care, and you will be up and running around in no time.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  3. I love the test tubes!!! Good luck for the op...

  4. Cheryl these are fabulous!!! I really hope all goes ok for the surgery on Tuesday, shall be thinking of you. Joey x

  5. Geez Louise Girl. Hope you surgery goes well. Sounds like you have had a time of it. How in the world did you break your ankle so bad. I hope it wasn't while making paper crafts!!! I will PM you for your address and send you some happy mail while you are down and out. Guess what I am doing......brainstorming with the items sent to me from More about that later. I just love these test tubes. I did not see these at Walmart. The little images you used are so cute. It's one Spooktacular creation!

    Bear Hugs,

  6. These are darling- and I love the ribbons you dressed them up with! Hope you are healed up lickety split!

  7. Sorry to hear about your accident Cheryl, looked for you on facebook but there were too many Cheryl Walker' can look for me there. Kathy Neuser

  8. These are simply adorable!! These can be made for just about any occasion. Very cute. Hope you're feeling better.

  9. Cheryl good luck with your surgery on Thursday! I pray it all goes well and that you have a speedy recovery!
    Hugs, Janice

  10. Super cute project!!! wishing you a quick recovery!

  11. Be gentle with yourself and give yourself time to heal. I'm glad that you have a loving family to take care of you. Kay

  12. these are so dang cute!! Just precious!!! They'd make mud yummy!! hahaha!!

    Good luck with your recovery!! Hope it is quick!
