
Thursday, November 1, 2012

RRR Winter Holiday

Hello Everyone and Happy November 1st to all! I cant believe its already november, wow how time flies!!
Today's card was designed for Really Reasonable Ribbons Winter/Holiday theme challenge with Ribbon. I used the beautiful RRR double ruffled edge ribbon and Checkerboard ribbon on my card here. I also used the Darling Alota Stamp and Tree's for my card. The gingerbread shapes are from a button pack, and I just glued them on.

We would LOVE for you to join us at Really Reasonable Ribbons Winter Holiday theme challenge, we love seeing all the entry's , so to enter please visit us HERE!! 
Hugs to all,


  1. Hi Cheryl, Oh this is so beautiful x

  2. Such a gorgeous card Cheryl, love the ribbon and dies you used, looks fabulous.

  3. Oh Cheryl, this warms my heart. I am a Gingerbread lover and think this image is darling. Your stamped trees look so impressive too!
