
Saturday, May 2, 2015

Happy Anniversary F4A271

Hello everyone, and Happy Saturday to all!
 Today's card was designed for the Splitcoaststampers Challenge "wedding or Anniversary" so I went with Anniversary. I will be needing this next month for our 25th Anniversary!! :)
On my card I used CottageCutz Wedding dies, and the CottageCutz Oval Doily and Frame die. for the Design Paper I used DCWV , and the card stock is Bazzill Blind Date, and American Crafts white and grey.

Flowers I used are from Really Reasonable Ribbon, and are the Sweetheart Blossoms. I also used some leftover Really Reasonable Ribbon in Satin.

So for the Happy Anniversary I ended up using CottageCutz Expressions Dies. I was searching and searching for my Medium size Happy Anniversary stamps, and for some reason couldn't find a 1. I found all the tiny ones, and super large ones, but not medium, so thank goodness for these 2 dies, as they saved the day. I spent over an hour looking for the stamp so I could finish this card and upload it, however at that point I figured I would use the CottageCutz dies. After uploading the card, I spent several hours going through the thousands of stamps I own, and found the 1 stamp in a drawer I used to throw extra stamps in years ago. forgot about that....LOL at least I was able to finish my card and upload to the challenge...woohoooo

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