
Monday, April 24, 2017

Cherry Blossom Card

Hello everyone and Happy Monday to all! Todays card was created for Really Reasonable Ribbon & Club Scrap using the Beautiful Cherry Blossom Collection, along with RRR Pearls, and Ribbon.

Club Scrap Released this month another Gorgeous Collection called Cherry Blossom, and its beautiful! I LOVE the soft colors, and all the beautiful design papers, they are all BEAUTIFUL! I also love love love all the stamps in this collection as well1

On my card I used the Beautiful Satin Ribbon from Really Reasonable Ribbon and the Gorgeous Pearl embellishments. I have to say that I think im addicted to these fun beautiful little half backed pearls, they make for beautiful flowers and embellishing anything on your card.

The Ribbon is gorgeous and makes for an easy bow for todays card. I chose to use this months Cherry Blossom kit for the design paper and stamps. I also cut out the stamped flowers and added the Really Reasonable Ribbon Pearl Embellishments, in 8mm, and love the way they turned out. I also popped them up using Really Reasonable Ribbons Foam Tabs

My Bow was created using Really Reasonable Ribbons white satin, and my bow consist of 4 loops on each side, with a large pearl in the center. I also save the wires from the flowers that I get from RRR to tie my bows together. Love recycling these.

I hope you enjoy my card today, as I surely enjoyed creating this one. I always love when cards come together super easy, and this one did just that :)

Thank you so much for stopping by and have a lovely day!
hugs to all,

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