
Sunday, May 14, 2017

Happy Birthday!

Hello everyone and Happy Mothers Day to all the Moms out there :) Hope you are having a nice day! Today's card was designed for Really Reasonable Ribbon using the Beautiful Satin Delicate Stitch Ribbon from Really Reasonable Ribbon and the beautiful half backed pearls. 
On my card I chose to use some random design papers I came across in my stash after cleaning up my room this past week. Its funny how you find things you haven't seen in awhile...hehehehe I then used the Cheery Lynn Dies for my flowers and branches, and in the centers I used RRR Pearls, Love how perfect these are for my flowers. I do love how this one turned out, and the colors look so pretty! LOVE working with the satin ribbon as it makes for easy pretty bows!
 The bows I made were done using Really Reasonable Ribbons April assortment

Really Reasonable Ribbon Supplies used:
April Ribbon Assortment
Pearls in 3 different sizes 8mm, 10mm, 12mm
Foam Tabs 

Cheery Lynn Dies

Thank you for looking and have a lovely day!
hugs to all,


  1. Absolutely beautiful. I have always loved that soft coral color and you used it perfectly in this card. Would you be willing to ID the die used for the white die cut in the background? It reminds me of fleur-de-lis. Thanks.

  2. Thank you so much Sandra and Nancy for your sweet sweet comments! Nancy the dies, are from Cheery Lynn Designs. So sorry, I normally would list them, but did this post super fast as I have had family in town for 2 weeks, so sorry hun! I update the post links and the names on in this post, again, so sorry.
    Have a super awesome weekend!
