
Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Dotted Pumpkin Card for Makers Movement

Hello everyone and Happy Wednesday to you all! Today's super sweet card was designed for Makers Movement using their beautiful New Design Paper stack called "An Autumn Breeze" along with their New Pumpkin Card die. LOVE them both! 
So for my card today I chose to use the Polka Dots from the paper stack, and then distressed the edges in an orange and brown. Next I put those cut pieces on the card base, all cut using the dies provided. Now the sunflower is an Oldie, but goodie! Its perfect for summer and fall, and on sale right now. I will provide links below. On this card here I did simple, just distressed each piece. In the center of my sunflower I used an old button, and then some Tabaco Brown Seam binding from Really Reasonable Ribbon. Super easy card to make.

Makers Movement supplies Used:

I wanted to show a side view. This one I did not add design paper on the inside like my one posted on monday

 I hope you enjoyed my post for today! thank you! Hugs, Cheryl


  1. Interesting sunflower center...using seam binding is a very unique technique! Love the added button. I LOVE fall theme colors that my creative brain so enjoys!

    1. Thank you Martie, I love using seam binding , I did also on mondays pumpkin card as well. It’s done a little different. I too love making fall cards , love using the colors and such! Thank you again ! Hugs
