My ribbon & work area for coloring and designing my cards
Im still trying to get all my ribbons on the top of my shelves on plastic large trim and ribbon holders! Will update when done :)
2015 Update on my Space, since I always seem to change a few things.
Work Stations
Ribbon Station
Embellishments/Paper Station
Some of my paper is here, and the cabinet to the left house more, and so does all the cubes, and a few drawers, and then there are more paper shelves on the counter, and stacked underneath. I have too much paper, and trying to use it up daily :)
Cutting Station/Paper/Punches/Dies/Thickers/and extra goodies!
Yes I LOVE Ribbon!!!! I guess you could tell....hehehehe Believe it or not I use tons of yards weekly, and in an album I couldn't tell you how many. It does get used up, so it doesn't just sit. I love ribbons,trims,laces, and lots of vintage goodies. I will have to take photo's of my Rolling Carts full of vintage goodies later.This area is where I spend most of my time crafting. Its my work stations
Photo's below are from the past, I try to add new ones as it changes, some is the same, and some has changed over time. :)
Update on Craft Room and Im loving my newly designed space!
these are all older pictures, i figured I would leave them on, just to show how ive changed it a bit over time :) Thank you :)
Update on Inside of some of the drawers! July 12th 2010
(Click on pictures to make larger)
More ribbon, and embellishments
I used these kitty shower curtain hooks to hang the ribbon on the shelves
Ribbon in 2 big drawers
Older pictures of my craft room are below! I believe these pictures below were taken in Jan 2010
These are pictures of another craft table in my room by the window, and this is where I love to put together my cards or projects, and add flowers, and gems! these pictures were taken withen the last month April 2010
These pictures were taken in Jan 2010 I will have to update them shortly!! :)